
Showing posts from July, 2021

System-related information_schema Sql queries

  The information_schema schema is a special schema that is present in all modern SQL database management systems, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and Oracle. It contains a set of read-only tables that provide metadata information about the database system itself. This metadata includes information about databases, tables, views, columns, indexes, constraints, and more. Developers and database administrators can use the information_schema schema to obtain information about the database system itself. This information can be used for various purposes, such as generating reports, auditing, debugging, and optimizing queries. Similar other useful system-related views and tables that are useful for database administration: sys.databases : This view contains information about all the databases on a SQL Server instance, such as their names, IDs, and creation dates. sys.objects : This view contains information about all the objects in a SQL Server database, such as tables, views, ...