change the pitch of an audio file using ffmpeg


Change Audio Pitch FFmpeg

Change audio pitch ffmpeg

To change the pitch of an audio file using ffmpeg, you can use the "asetrate" filter. For example, to increase the pitch by one octave (double the frequency), you can use the following command:

ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -filter:a "asetrate=2*44100" output.mp3

An octave is a musical interval that spans 12 semitones on a standard piano keyboard. Doubling the frequency of a note results in an increase in pitch by one octave.

A semitone is the smallest musical interval commonly used in Western tonal music, and it is equal to the interval between two adjacent notes on a piano or other musical keyboard. It is also known as a half step or a half tone. For example, the interval between C and C# is a semitone. In Western music, there are 12 semitones in an octave, which is the interval between two notes that have the same letter name but are separated by an interval of 12 pitch classes.

To decrease the pitch by one octave (half the frequency), you can use the following command:

ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -filter:a "asetrate=0.5*44100" output.mp3

You can also specify the pitch in semitones using the "pitch" filter:

ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -filter:a "pitch=semitones=12" output.mp3

This will increase the pitch by 12 semitones (one octave)

Change pitch in video ffmpeg

To change the pitch of a video using FFmpeg, you can use the "asetrate" filter. This filter allows you to adjust the sample rate of the audio in a video file, which in turn changes the pitch.

The basic syntax for using the asetrate filter is:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:a "asetrate=44100*2" output.mp4 

This command will take the input video "input.mp4", change the audio pitch by doubling the sample rate (44100*2), and then save the output to "output.mp4".

You can adjust the pitch by any factor you want by changing the value passed to the asetrate filter. For example, to lower the pitch by an octave (half the frequency), you would use a factor of 0.5:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:a "asetrate=44100*0.5" output.mp4 

You can also use the "pitch" filter to shift the pitch of the audio. The syntax is:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter:a "pitch=pitch=0.8" output.mp4

Where 0.8 is the factor to change the pitch by.

Keep in mind that if you change the pitch of the audio, it will change the duration of the audio. Also, depending on the codec of your video, you may need to add the -strict -2 flag to the command to make it work.
