How to translate pdf document language to other language

Hello readers I wrote this blog on how to translate any document to any language so this is the Blog about a document translation from other language to English language so you have to just need to follow up the steps to translate PDF document to any languages

sometimewe got situation where we got some document in different language and we want to read those documents in our native language or english language example you got rusian language pdf document  and want to translate in your language. this is demonstration of translating the PDF document to other language like rusian , hindi  and english etc. 

So we taking the example of translating other document to English language or we can take a Russian language PDF document and and convert that Russian language pdf document to English language 

Steps to translate the document

Search Google translator on website as soon as you open the Google translator website  you will see interface of translation  and menu now click on document translator then click on upload document and upload your PDF document here Google take some time to uploading document depends on size of the document and once  the document is completed to upload you see the document and then click on translate button. There is some options to choose language in menu bar and select your language from them in which you want to convert the document and then click on translate button the file will be started to  translating  and it take time to process this and it depends upon the size of pdf document 

Open google translator website, Search on Google it. click on document 

Click on Browse your computer,  select your language in which you want to translate the

Document which you want to translate, in this example I am taking document in another language and going to convert in English language 

Once file is selected click on translate  button

It will take some time to  translate the document and it depends on your file PDF document size once process is completed you will see the translated document

Google not providing to download the translated document so to save this document follow this step .

To save this translated document click on print button and to get this print option press ctrl+f5 or  right click on document and then click on print option 

Aayushi interfere of printing document and just select the save as PDF and save water

 So these are steps to translate a PDF document in your native language or another language

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