how to access video and audio stream on web using webRTC

 Hi, reader in this blog you gonna read how to access video and audio stream using JavaScript. we will cover up this tutorial with code snippet and explanation 

We will use navigator object that provide access to your hardware equipment  like media devices , bluetooth , geolocation etc..

We will focus on accessing camera.


- Camera and Mic

- Browser with JavaScript support

Lets start

let stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
            video: true,
            audio: true,

console.log('stream', stream)

//html side
// <video id="cam"></video>
//To bind this stream with html
let videoNode = document.getElementById('cam');
                videoNode.srcObject = stream;
                videoNode.onloadedmetadata = function () {

The above code snippet provide you a stream with audio and video track as you can see we passed the constraint object in getUserMedia function, this is async/await approach put this in async function.

Once this code executed successfully it will ask you camera and mic permission by accepting you will get media stream  object.

Here some of useful method for stream object that can help you to get the track , setting, configuration etc..

To determining if a constraint is supported, use this code snippet, this will log all the supported constraint in console

let supported = navigator.mediaDevices.getSupportedConstraints();
console.log('supported', supported)

To get tracks list from a media stream, we have to tracks in stream because we have audio and video = true in constraint prams

let tracks = stream.getTracks()
console.log('tracks', tracks)

Get If you want to see the compatibility of your track you first need to get a track from your stream then
use track.getAudioTracks() it has a list of audio track the for example we taking the first track with this 
line of code let track = stream.getAudioTracks()[0]
        //Get audio tracks 
        let audioTracks = stream.getAudioTracks();
        //You can loop through or get first track from audioTracks
        let copabilityObj = audioTracks[0].getCapabilities();
        //copabilityObj will list all the supported constraint for this track
        console.log('copabilityObj', copabilityObj);

        //the same for video
        let videoTracks = stream.getVideoTracks();
        let copabilityVObj = videoTracks[0].getCapabilities();
        console.log('copabilityVObj', copabilityVObj);
            autoGainControl: (2) [true, false]
            channelCount{max: 1, min: 1}
            echoCancellation: (2) [true, false]
            latency{max: 0.010666, min: 0.002666}
            noiseSuppression: (2) [true, false]
            sampleRate{max: 48000, min: 48000}
            sampleSize{max: 16, min: 16}
//this will provide the setting of a track
        let settingTrack =  audioTracks[0].getSettings();
        console.log('settingTrack', settingTrack);
        //this will provide the current applied constraint on track
        let constraintTrack =  audioTracks[0].getConstraints();
        console.log('constraintTrack', constraintTrack);

Complete and final code Run this code and see result 
//call the method and it will print all in your console
    async function runMediaStreamLog() {
        let supported = navigator.mediaDevices.getSupportedConstraints();
        console.log('1. Get supported constraint list', supported)
        let stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
            video: true,
            audio: true,
        console.log('2. Get stream audio and video', stream)
        let tracks = stream.getTracks()
        console.log('3. Print tracks in stream', tracks)
        console.log('5. Print audio tracks--', tracks)
        stream.getAudioTracks().forEach(track => {
            let capabilities = track.getCapabilities();
            console.log('1. Print audio track Capabilities', capabilities)
            let setting = track.getSettings();
            console.log('2. Print audio track setting', setting)
            let constraint = track.getConstraints();
            console.log('3. Print audio track current constraint', constraint)

        console.log('5. Print video tracks--', tracks)
        stream.getVideoTracks().forEach(track => {
            let capabilities = track.getCapabilities();
            console.log('1. Print video track Capabilities', capabilities)
            let setting = track.getSettings();
            console.log('2. Print video track setting', setting)
            let constraint = track.getConstraints();
            console.log('3. Print video track current constraint', constraint)
List of constraints
  1. aspectRatio1.3333333333333333
  2. brightness0
  3. colorTemperature4600
  4. contrast0
  5. deviceId"9fc0e675808c949595b8e49d1cc1353eaaaae677095f18b8cc8f9c0beeee524d"
  6. exposureCompensation1
  7. exposureMode"continuous"
  8. exposureTime156.25
  9. facingMode"user"
  10. frameRate30
  11. groupId"b9a78ba9a5ee62198a8a24d187fa5e5279e3da2185a43d41856ff74b7656a41d"
  12. height480
  13. resizeMode"none"
  14. saturation64
  15. sharpness2
  16. whiteBalanceMode"continuous"
  17. width640
  1. autoGainControltrue
  2. channelCount1
  3. deviceId"default"
  4. echoCancellationtrue
  5. groupId"0bb0b02192b67423684d8fe82e59199e4795c1ce94494c489dd6278252ae4e7b"
  6. latency0.01
  7. noiseSuppressiontrue
  8. sampleRate48000
Compatability (audio/video):
  1. aspectRatiotrue
  2. autoGainControltrue
  3. brightnesstrue
  4. channelCounttrue
  5. colorTemperaturetrue
  6. contrasttrue
  7. deviceIdtrue
  8. echoCancellationtrue
  9. exposureCompensationtrue
  10. exposureModetrue
  11. exposureTimetrue
  12. facingModetrue
  13. focusDistancetrue
  14. focusModetrue
  15. frameRatetrue
  16. groupIdtrue
  17. heighttrue
  18. isotrue
  19. latencytrue
  20. noiseSuppressiontrue
  21. pantrue
  22. pointsOfInteresttrue
  23. resizeModetrue
  24. sampleRatetrue
  25. sampleSizetrue
  26. saturationtrue
  27. sharpnesstrue
  28. tilttrue
  29. torchtrue
  30. whiteBalanceModetrue
  31. widthtrue
  32. zoomtrue
