Deep understanding of object-oriented programming concepts, including polymorphism and static classes

C# Static Class Explanation.

A problem that can be solved using a static class:

Suppose you are developing a utility library for a company that needs to perform some mathematical calculations frequently in their application. The company has specified that these calculations need to be performed as quickly as possible and without any additional overhead. They have also requested that the calculations be made available in a way that does not require creating an instance of a class.

How would you approach solving this problem? How might a static class be useful in this scenario?


 To solve this problem, we can create a static class that contains the mathematical calculation methods that the company needs to perform frequently. Since a static class can be accessed without creating an instance of the class, it satisfies the requirement that the calculations should be available without any additional overhead.

Here is an example implementation:

public static class MathUtils {

    public static double CalculateSquareRoot(double number) {

        return Math.Sqrt(number);


    public static double CalculatePower(double number, double exponent) {

        return Math.Pow(number, exponent);


    public static double CalculateLogarithm(double number, double baseValue) {

        return Math.Log(number, baseValue);


    // Other calculation methods can be added as needed...


In this example, we have created a static class MathUtils that contains three mathematical calculation methods: CalculateSquareRoot, CalculatePower, and CalculateLogarithm. These methods use the Math class provided by the .NET framework to perform the calculations.

The company can then use these methods by simply calling them directly on the MathUtils class, like this:

double squareRoot = MathUtils.CalculateSquareRoot(16);

double power = MathUtils.CalculatePower(2, 3);

double logarithm = MathUtils.CalculateLogarithm(100, 10);

Since the MathUtils class is static, the company does not need to create an instance of the class before calling its methods, which minimizes overhead and improves performance.

A problem that can be solved using polymorphism:

Suppose you are developing a video game that has different types of characters with different abilities. Each character type can move, attack, and use special abilities, but the way each of these actions is performed varies depending on the character type. For example, a wizard might use magic spells to attack, while a warrior might use a sword.

How would you design the class hierarchy for these characters? How might you use polymorphism to ensure that each character type can perform the necessary actions in a way that is unique to that character?


public abstract class Character {

    public abstract void Move();

    public abstract void Attack();

    public abstract void UseSpecialAbility();


public class Wizard : Character {

    public override void Move() {

        // Code for how a wizard moves


    public override void Attack() {

        // Code for how a wizard attacks using magic spells


    public override void UseSpecialAbility() {

        // Code for how a wizard uses a special ability, like invisibility



public class Warrior : Character {

    public override void Move() {

        // Code for how a warrior moves


    public override void Attack() {

        // Code for how a warrior attacks using a sword


    public override void UseSpecialAbility() {

        // Code for how a warrior uses a special ability, like a shield block



In this example, we define an abstract Character class with three abstract methods: Move(), Attack(), and UseSpecialAbility(). We then create concrete subclasses for each character type (Wizard and Warrior) and provide implementations for each of the abstract methods that are specific to that character type.

This approach allows us to use polymorphism to treat all characters as instances of the Character class, but still invoke the appropriate behavior based on the actual type of the character. For example, if we have a list of Character objects, we can call Move(), Attack(), or UseSpecialAbility() on any element in the list and the correct behavior will be invoked based on the actual type of the character.

This is an example of runtime polymorphism, also known as dynamic polymorphism, because the behavior of the program is determined at runtime based on the actual type of the object.

This is in contrast to static polymorphism, also known as compile-time polymorphism, which is achieved through overloading or templates, and where the behavior of the program is determined at compile-time.

A problem that can be solved using static polymorphism:

Suppose you are developing a library for a company that needs to perform some mathematical calculations frequently in their application. The company has specified that these calculations need to be performed as quickly as possible and without any additional overhead. They have also requested that the library support different data types, such as integers, floating-point numbers, and complex numbers.

How would you design the class hierarchy for these data types? How might you use static polymorphism to ensure that the appropriate behavior is invoked for each data type without any runtime overhead?


public static class Calculator<T> {

    public static T Add(T a, T b) {

        return (dynamic)a + (dynamic)b;


    public static T Subtract(T a, T b) {

        return (dynamic)a - (dynamic)b;


    public static T Multiply(T a, T b) {

        return (dynamic)a * (dynamic)b;


    public static T Divide(T a, T b) {

        return (dynamic)a / (dynamic)b;



In this example, we define a static Calculator class that uses static polymorphism (via C#'s generics) to support different data types. The Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide methods are implemented using the dynamic keyword to allow the C# compiler to perform method dispatch at compile time rather than runtime.

With this implementation, when you call Calculator.Add(a, b) with integer arguments, the C# compiler generates code that performs integer addition at compile-time, rather than dispatching to a virtual method at runtime. Similarly, when you call Calculator.Add(a, b) with floating-point arguments, the compiler generates code that performs floating-point addition at compile-time, rather than dispatching to a virtual method at runtime.

This approach allows us to achieve high performance without sacrificing flexibility. By using static polymorphism to generate specialized code for each data type, we can ensure that the appropriate behavior is invoked for each data type without any runtime overhead.

Is Method Overloading same as static polymorphism?

Static polymorphism is not the same thing as method overloading.

Static polymorphism, also known as compile-time polymorphism, is achieved through the use of templates or generics in the code. In C#, this is typically achieved through the use of generics. The idea behind static polymorphism is that the compiler generates different code for different data types at compile time, rather than determining the appropriate behavior at runtime.

In the example, the Calculator class uses static polymorphism to support different data types through the use of C#'s generic type parameter T. Because the Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide methods are implemented using the dynamic keyword, the C# compiler generates different code for each data type that the Calculator class is instantiated with. This allows us to achieve high performance without sacrificing flexibility.

Problems that can be solved using method overloading or overriding:

1. You are designing a class that represents a 2D point. You want to provide a method for calculating the distance between two points. However, you want to support two different versions of the method: one that takes two Point objects as arguments and one that takes four double values (representing the x and y coordinates of each point). How would you implement this using method overloading?

2. You are designing a class hierarchy to represent different types of vehicles (e.g., cars, trucks, motorcycles). You want to provide a method for calculating the maximum speed of each vehicle. However, the calculation for each type of vehicle is different (e.g., cars have a different maximum speed calculation than trucks). How would you implement this using method overriding?

3. You are designing a class hierarchy to represent different types of animals (e.g., dogs, cats, birds). You want to provide a method for making each animal speak. However, the sound each animal makes is different (e.g., dogs bark, cats meow). How would you implement this using method overriding?


Method Overloading Example:

public class Point {

    public double X { get; set; }

    public double Y { get; set; }

    // Method overload for calculating distance between two Point objects

    public double Distance(Point other) {

        return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(X - other.X, 2) + Math.Pow(Y - other.Y, 2));


    // Method overload for calculating distance between two sets of x and y coordinates

    public static double Distance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {

        return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x1 - x2, 2) + Math.Pow(y1 - y2, 2));



In this example, we provide two versions of the Distance method: one that takes a Point object as an argument, and one that takes four double values representing the x and y coordinates of two points. By providing these two versions of the method, we can make it easier for users to call the method in the way that makes the most sense for their use case.

Method Overriding Example:

public abstract class Vehicle {

    public abstract double CalculateMaxSpeed();


public class Car : Vehicle {

    public override double CalculateMaxSpeed() {

        // Calculation for maximum speed of a car

        return 120.0;



public class Truck : Vehicle {

    public override double CalculateMaxSpeed() {

        // Calculation for maximum speed of a truck

        return 80.0;



public class Motorcycle : Vehicle {

    public override double CalculateMaxSpeed() {

        // Calculation for maximum speed of a motorcycle

        return 160.0;



In this example, we define a Vehicle abstract class with an abstract method CalculateMaxSpeed(). We then define three subclasses (Car, Truck, and Motorcycle) that override the CalculateMaxSpeed() method to provide the appropriate calculation for each type of vehicle. This allows us to provide a consistent interface for calculating maximum speed across all types of vehicles, while still allowing each type of vehicle to provide its own implementation.

Method Overriding Example:

public abstract class Animal {

    public abstract string Speak();


public class Dog : Animal {

    public override string Speak() {

        return "Woof!";



public class Cat : Animal {

    public override string Speak() {

        return "Meow!";



public class Bird : Animal {

    public override string Speak() {

        return "Tweet!";



In this example, we define an Animal abstract class with an abstract method Speak(). We then define three subclasses (Dog, Cat, and Bird) that override the Speak() method to provide the appropriate sound for each type of animal. This allows us to provide a consistent interface for making animals speak across all types of animals, while still allowing each type of animal to provide its own implementation.

The first example (Method Overloading) is an example of static polymorphism, because the decision of which version of the Distance method to call is made at compile-time based on the number and types of arguments passed to the method.

The second and third examples (Method Overriding) are examples of dynamic polymorphism, because the decision of which version of the CalculateMaxSpeed or Speak method to call is made at runtime based on the actual type of the object that the method is called on.

Ad hoc polymorphism 

The word "run" can have different meanings depending on the context. For a computer programmer, "run" might mean executing a program or a piece of code. For an athlete, "run" might mean moving at a fast pace on foot. For a business owner, "run" might mean managing and operating a company. And for a car engine, "run" might mean operating smoothly and efficiently.

In this case, the same word "run" has different meanings and actions based on the context in which it is used, just like how "cut" can have different meanings for a doctor and a barber. This is an example of how the same word can have different meanings and actions depending on the domain or industry in which it is used.

The an example of polymorphism, specifically, it is an example of ad hoc polymorphism, which is also known as function overloading.

Ad hoc polymorphism occurs when a single function or operator is applied to different types of arguments, and the behavior of the function or operator varies based on the type of the arguments. In the case of the word "run", it is being used in different contexts and has a different meaning and behavior based on the context. This is similar to how a function can behave differently based on the type of arguments it receives.

So, this is not only an example of how the same word can have different meanings and actions based on the context, but also an example of ad hoc polymorphism in natural language.

def run(obj):

    if isinstance(obj, str):

        print("I am running a program")

    elif isinstance(obj, int):

        print("I am running at a speed of {} km/h".format(obj))

    elif isinstance(obj, list):

        print("I am running a list comprehension: {}".format([i for i in obj]))


        print("I don't know how to run this object")

# Example usage

run("program") # Outputs: "I am running a program"

run(10) # Outputs: "I am running at a speed of 10 km/h"

run([1, 2, 3]) # Outputs: "I am running a list comprehension: [1, 2, 3]"

run(True) # Outputs: "I don't know how to run this object"

ad hoc is similiar to static ? 

Ad hoc polymorphism and static polymorphism are different concepts.

Ad hoc polymorphism (also known as function overloading) occurs when a single function or operator is applied to different types of arguments, and the behavior of the function or operator varies based on the type of the arguments.

Static polymorphism, on the other hand, refers to the ability of a programming language to choose the appropriate implementation of a function or operator at compile-time (before the program runs). This is achieved through features such as function overloading or templates in C++.

So while ad hoc polymorphism is a specific example of polymorphism where the behavior of a function varies based on the type of arguments, static polymorphism is a broader concept that refers to the ability of a programming language to choose the appropriate implementation of a function or operator at compile-time

class a {

 test (int a){} 

test(string a){}


class program{ 


var a = new a(); a.test("testing poly") 



In the above example, the test() method of the a class is overloaded with two different parameter types: int and string. This is an example of ad hoc polymorphism (function overloading) because the same method name is being used for different parameter types.

At compile-time, the appropriate implementation of the test() method will be chosen based on the type of argument being passed. So if you call a.test("testing poly"), the compiler will choose the implementation of the test() method that takes a string parameter.

This is an example of static polymorphism because the appropriate implementation of the method is chosen at compile-time, rather than at runtime. Static polymorphism can be achieved through function overloading, templates, or other similar language features that allow the compiler to choose the appropriate implementation of a function or method at compile-time based on the types of the arguments.

In the example, if you call both a.test("testing") and a.test(10), the compiler will choose the appropriate implementation of the test() method at compile-time based on the types of the arguments.

When you overload a function or method with different parameter types, the compiler generates a separate function for each implementation. In your case, the compiler will generate two different versions of the test() method: one that takes a string parameter and another that takes an int parameter. So calling a.test("testing") will invoke one version of the test() method, and calling a.test(10) will invoke the other version.

The memory and space required to store these separate function implementations will depend on the size and complexity of the functions, as well as the number of different parameter types used in the overloading. In general, however, the memory overhead of function overloading is typically small and insignificant compared to the rest of the program's memory usage
