
ng is not recognized as an internal or external command fixed

This issue also bother me and then i find possible cases to reproduce this issue When i run my computer os window as administrator user then it works fine with ng serve cmd but when switch to other user account like guest or other users  then i got this issue. So if i want to run my angular application with other user account (guest) then i need to run this command npm run ng serve  and which is working but when i run the command with arguments like --host  or other npm run ng server --host  it's not working and throw some error So i find some possible solutions these are:  1. Go  appdata folder in your computer window os here is address of folder  user\admin\AppData\Roaming\npm  copy this path but if you use other user account (guest)  user\guest\AppData\Roaming\npm ( check with which accounts you logged in to your system then replace guest with the user name ) folder you can copy this npm folder from ad...

Samsung a50 not charging high temperature issue

I had an issue with my samsung a50 mobile phone that was when i was connected my phone to charge adaptor then every time phone show alert notification that was samsung a50 not charging high temperature issue when i plug in and out my phone from charging. So i writing this blog about my experience with this issue and how much it bother to me to get it fixed. The day before this issue no problem was in my phone but when i plugged my phone with charge it warn me with this high temperature issue i tried many time to plug in and out to fix this problem and trun off the phone but every effort was being failed.  So I searched the internet to get fixes for this issue but I did not get any working solution. I tried cleaning out the charging port. Replace the charger adaptor and data cable but nothing get worked.  So finally i decided to take it to customer care service center then I told Customer Care employees about this issue as this phone is under warranty so i thought it ...

How to use mobile phone as webcam

If you want to use your mobile phone as a webcam , possibly when your computer does not have any camera or you have some extra old phone and want them to work like a security camera for your home or something as you require. But  here i will write about how to do that. First you need Android or IPhone or something other but they need to support this application Here is steps to do : First go to you application store then find the ivcam application  once you get that install it and open it Now same thing with your computer system download the ivcam application for you computer you can google it once it downloaded install it then open it Now you need this step to take care in this step you need to make a connection with your system to mobile phone so how to do that You can do that by making them join on the same LAN network. If you have any wifi router then connect your system with that then connect your mobile phone with that too. You can als...

Things to take care when you are on internet

Things to take care when you are on internet Never open external (suspicious) links directly When you get links in Mails or Whatsapp or other social platforms do not open them directly. Check out this link the below link Why i am telling this they could contain some Cross-site request forgery ( CSRF or XSRF ) attacks. Many web applications take care of this kind of attacks and makes their web application secured so no one can perform such attacks.The CSRF  attack is target state-changing requests this can not theft data, An attacker can not see the response of your request.But attackers can do such things with that suppose you are on a website or a link that contains an unwanted command run using script but you do not know that when you opened such kind of links for example  you been also logged in facebook but you are not logout then your browser is still authenticated for faceboo...

How to remotely access your desktop computer from your mobile phone using Microsoft Remote Desktop app

To access your computer remotely using your mobile phone, follow these steps: 1. Connect your computer to a WiFi network. 2. Install a modem/router, such as JIOFI, and connect it to your computer using a data cable. 3. Connect your mobile phone to the same WiFi network as your computer and the modem/router. 4. Check the connected devices on your router's homepage using a web browser, and obtain the IP address of your desktop computer that is connected with the data cable. 5. Install the Microsoft Remote Desktop (RD Client) app on your Android phone.   Download from Play Store After installing the Microsoft Remote Desktop (RD Client) app on your Android phone, follow these steps to connect to your desktop system: Open the RD Client app on your Android phone and navigate to the Settings menu. Enter the IP address of your desktop system that you obtained in the previous step. Once the settings are configured, you should be able to connect to your desktop system. You can now access all...

how to download torrent file Android and computer

Before starting this we need to know what is torrent and for what we use torrent Its a peer to peer protocol, not required any central server, its a distributed network. When you download a torrent file using any torrent application then you or your device become a participant to that network and data can be uploaded or download for that file that you going to download. Torrent can be downloaded either using magnetic link or .torrent extension file. A torrent or megnetic link just a meta data about a file that can be used by Torrent app to download the file. A megnetic link directly start your torrent application and file added in it if you have a torrent application. Here i will show you step by step how to use torrent to download files. you can use torrent on your mobile phone and computer desktop/laptop. Different steps for different devices.     - Use torrent on computer      - Use torrent on mobile Use torrent on computer...

How to translate pdf document language to other language

Hello readers I wrote this blog on how to translate any document to any language so this is the Blog about a document translation from other language to English language so you have to just need to follow up the steps to translate PDF document to any language s sometimewe got situation where we got some document in different language and we want to read those documents in our native language or english language example you got rusian language pdf document  and want to translate in your language. this is demonstration of translating the PDF document to other language like rusian , hindi  and english etc.  So we taking the example of translating other document to English language or we can take a Russian language PDF document and and convert that Russian language pdf document to English language  Steps to translate the document Search Google translator on website as soon as you open the Google translator website  you will see interface...